(608) 692-8794 // fax (877) 247-6817 susan@yaharatherapy.com



Susan Frikken teaching a balance exerciseWhen you call or e-mail me to book a therapy session I will get back to you as quickly as possible with available openings.

I make every attempt to schedule you as quickly as possible. Once you have an initial appointment, I often recommend we book a few appointments, so that once we begin, we can continue on a regular schedule, as needed. I also keep a waiting list . Occasionally I refer to or consult with respected colleagues so we may work as a team for your best care.

Updated Processes for Our Safety

Here are updated covid-inspired policies  to keep us all safer while investing in your health and wellness! This includes options to in-person appointments, protective measures, and screening.

Please reschedule when you are sick or have been exposed to someone who may have been sick. 

My Office Space

Because my practice is based in my home, I will send the office location and directions to you once we confirm. I do not advertise the address to assure confidentiality and security for both you and me. My office requires that you be able to use stairs. If this is a problem, please let me know.

I strive to create a safe space that provides comfort and peace of mind for my clients. I use only non-toxic, all-natural cleaning products, including isopropyl alcohol as a disinfectant, and I do not use scents or perfumes in the space, other than lightly scented massage creams chosen by each client. I always offer safe, unscented product options.

I try to be as light on the earth as possible in my practice. I power my space with 100 percent wind power, use low lighting and energy efficient light bulbs, and try to increase efficiency at every opportunity.

The First Session

1.  Read and fill out client waver, intake form, and statement of policy prior to arrival. This will be a foundation from which we can work and where you can state your goals in detail.

2.  If you are referred for or seeking to address specific issues, we will use your first session to perform a thorough assessment and evaluation. You will also receive a working physical therapy diagnosis.

3.  Together we set your goals, plan how to work toward them, and discuss frequency and timeframe.

4.  An evaluation for a single issue is usually 60 minutes. If you have an involved or complicated issue, or would like to address more than one issue, expect a 90-minute evaluation.

Next Steps

1.  We decide together how often you return and schedule visits accordingly.

2.  We periodically re-assess your goals.

3.  We continue to work together as needed.

4.  If needed or desired, we will collaborate with other professionals to give you the best care possible.

5.  If necessary at any point, a referral to a primary care provider will be made to be sure therapy is safe and effective for you.


If you need to cancel or change your appointment, I ask 24 hours’ notice by telephone so that I have the opportunity to re-book the time. Appointments canceled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged the full visit fee.

If I am not available when you need an appointment, I am happy to refer you to another highly trained professional in my collaborative network. My hope is that you find the work that you need, when you need it.