(608) 692-8794 // fax (877) 247-6817 susan@yaharatherapy.com

Susan Frikken analyzing alignment and strength

Rates and Payment Methods

Effective 01 January 2025*

In-Office, Open-air near office, and Telehealth

  • 30 minutes – $75
  • 45 minutes – $120
  • 60 minutes – $145
  • 75 minutes – $180
  • 90 minutes – $205

A $5 discount will be applied for all payments made by cash or check. 

Therapy at a site other than listed above is an additional $100 plus:

  • Sites within 10 miles of the office will incur no mileage fee.
  • Sites more than 10 miles from the office will incur $2/mile after the first 10 miles.

Group Presentations

Please call or email for rates, which may be free or reduced for community groups.

Medicare Co-pays and any other fees not covered by insurance are your responsibility.

Insurance other than Medicare I do not bill other insurance directly, but may issue a receipt to you that you may submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. 

Payment method
Cash and check are preferred, as there is currently no fee for these, and they keep my costs down.

I also accept payment by card in person and online. Fees are incurred by me for these transactions.

Discounts and Sliding Scale
If you are unable to afford my rates, I have a financial assistance plan we can use to assess potential discounts. 

Rates above reflect the discounted rate when paying out-of-pocket.

Appointments canceled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged the full visit fee.